Contact explanation

Read all about Intermont’s contact options and response times here.

How to contact Intermont

There are various ways to contact us. You will find our contact details in the menu and footer. Alternatively, submit your details to us via the contact form and we will contact you. Our office hours are from 08.30h hours to 17.00h hours. Outside office hours, we operate a telephone answering service. If you choose to be called back, one of our employees will contact you. Outside office hours, it is only possible to schedule a call back for the next working day.

How quickly do we respond?

We use the following 1st response times:

Action Deadline
Questions about existing and new insurance policies 10 working days
Confirmation whether a new insurance application is accepted 10 working days
Making changes after your order for current insurance policies 10 working days
Sending an expulsion request 10 working days
Receipt confirmation after reporting a damage 5 working days
Payment made after claim determination 5 working days
Confirmation of receipt after reporting a complaint 5 working days

If we do not meet these response deadlines, we will notify you when we will still respond.